Dear parents and guardians,
We would like to support every child in the best possible way. This is why our differentiated Bavarian school system offers a variety of educational paths. Here, we provide an overview of the different options for your child to consider upon completion of primary education.
Every type of secondary school in Bavaria offers support for a smooth school transition, and every school qualification offers the opportunity to start vocational training or to pursue the next higher qualification – right up to the general qualification for university entrance.
The differentiated Bavarian school system offers the best conditions for adapting the educational path to the individual development of your child. The right school is the one that offers your children the best conditions to develop their special talents and learn with joy and success.
We wish you and your child all the best for their school career!
The differentiated Bavarian school system
Primary school (Grundschule) is the first school that all children attend. At the end of primary school, pupils transfer to a secondary school. The different types of secondary schools can be classified into three streams, Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. From year 6, pupils may transfer to a commercial school (Wirtschaftsschule).
It is possible to switch to another type of secondary school if academic achievement develops accordingly. Every school-leaving certificate opens up new academic paths and possibilities.
Special needs schools (Förderschulen) are for children and young adults with special educational needs. They offer pedagogical support in the areas of language, learning, emotional and social development, hearing, seeing, physical and motor development and intellectual development.
Schools for the sick (Schulen für Kranke) provide schooling to pupils in hospitals and similar facilities.
Options upon completion of Mittelschule (qualifying or standard certificate of middle school):
- vocational training
- dual vocational training: trade school (Berufsschule)
- full-time school-based training: vocational school (Berufsfachschule)
- options upon completion: technical school (Fachschule), technical academy (Fachakademie) or upper vocational school (Berufliche Oberschule BOS)
Options upon completion of Realschule, Wirtschaftsschule or M-Zweig Mittelschule:
- vocational training:
- dual vocational training: trade school (Berufsschule)
- full-time school-based training: vocational school (Berufsfachschule)
- options upon completion: technical school (Fachschule), technical academy (Fachakademie) or upper vocational school (Berufliche Oberschule BOS)
- technical college (Berufliche Oberschule FOS)
- senior years of grammar school (gymnasiale Oberstufe)
Consultation and support
The teaching staff at primary school help you choose a secondary school through intensive consultation and support. In addition, secondary school teachers serving as guidance counsellors in the transfer process (Übergangscoaches) – they may also offer counselling at your local primary school on request – as well as secondary school teachers offer information on this topic.
Furthermore, other counselling teachers, school psychologists as well as the state school career guidance service may help you decide on a career path for your child: www.schulberatung.bayern.de
Translation / Übersetzung: Marie-Noelle Kay Thoma (SDI München)
Stand: 28. März 2024